
ACH On-Demand

ACH 101: Fundamentals for Operations and Frontline

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

Consistent training in electronic payments is critical to the success of any organization. The ACH Network is still one of the most important payment systems utilized today by consumers, corporates, and the U.S. Government. This session provides an overview of the ACH network including defining the participants, explaining the transaction flow, and reviewing common exceptions. Your Customer/Member Service Staff is often the first point of contact for account holder questions and inquiries. Is your staff comfortable enough with their knowledge level to provide excellent service to account holders, especially when problems arise? This session provides an overview of ACH from a customer/ member service point of view as well as from the Operations perspective. Whether you are new to ACH or a seasoned payments professional needing a refresher course, this session is for you.

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


ACH 201: Advanced Rules

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

If you understand the ACH Rules, you can solve ACH problems, reduce risk, ensure compliance, and design efficient and effective operations. This virtual seminar is a comprehensive review of the ACH Rules including a brief review of the most recent approved Nacha ACH Rule Changes. 

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


ACH Basics (3 Part Series)

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2 Each Session

This three-part series focuses on the basics of ACH including the history of the network, defining parties to ACH transactions, their roles and responsibilities, the transaction flow and settlement process. We will cover all aspects of exception item processing, including options for handling unauthorized transactions, stop payments and revoked authorizations. This is a basic overview of ACH and intended for individuals new to ACH operations, front line staff, treasury sales personnel, and those in similar roles.


ACH Bits N Bytes (2 Part Series)

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2 Each Session

This two-part series is designed to give you the technical understanding needed to confidently review ACH files. Covered in this class will be such topics as file layouts, field definitions and requirements, data acceptance specifications and more. This seminar is essential for anyone supporting ACH services or wanting greater ACH expertise.


ACH Exception Processing

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

ACH Exception Item Processing can be confusing and it is important to understand the various processes surrounding ACH Rules. Non-compliance with the rules may lead to rules violations and customer dissatisfaction. This session will cover issues such as Reclamations, Return items and NOCs. We will share tips and ideas other members have used to limit their liability and make their Operations more successful. Let us help increase your knowledge by attending this webcast.


Tax Refunds: Exceptions, Posting & Liabilities

On-Demand – 1.5 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 1.8

During tax filing season, many questions arise related to the posting or return of tax refund payments. Tax scams tend to rise during tax season. We will provide updates on Rules and Regulations surrounding the handling of tax refund exceptions, RDFI warranties and liabilities and tax fraud update. If you need a better understanding of how to handle these payments and ways to combat the tax scams, this training is for you!

1.8 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


ACH Operating Rules (2 Part Series)

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.8 Each Session

The ACH Operating Rules series is a two-part webcast designed to provide attendees with an in-depth look at the ACH rules, section by section. This program is targeted for those not familiar with the rule book, or those who need to have a better understanding of how to use the rule book as a reference.


ACH Policies & Procedures (2 Part Series)

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2 Each Session

This two-part webinar will show how to develop your own policies and procedures documents. With rapidly evolving financial regulations, keeping current with ACH-related requirements can be a challenge. Regulators at both state and federal levels require board-approved policies to define the scope, strategy, and risk tolerance of an organization’s ACH service. Good procedures can reduce your exposure to operating risk.


ACH Risk for ODFIs

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Being an ODFI can be risky if you do not have the right tools. Financial institutions of all sizes need to manage risk to minimize potential losses. Rapid growth, new and evolving products and consumer transfer applications are prevalent ACH trends representing increased risk for ODFIs. The ACH Rules require every financial institution to perform an ACH Risk Assessment. This webcast will cover risks associated with being an ODFI, as well as steps to mitigate these risks.


ACH Risk for RDFIs

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

RDFIs of all sizes need to be aware of their ACH risk factors. The ACH Rules require every financial institution to perform a Risk Assessment related to their activities within the ACH Network. Proper processing of return items, timely posting of ACH transactions and the exceptions related to Federal Government transactions are just a few of the risks faced by RDFIs. This webcast will cover risks associated with processing transactions from the RDFI side as well as how to mitigate these risks.


ACH Risk for Treasury Sales

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Does your cash or product management personnel know all they need to know about the ACH services they are selling? Are they aware of upcoming rules changes affecting your corporate Originators? Do they know how to keep your customers informed of the rules affecting you as an ODFI? Attend this informative webcast and arm your cash and product management staff with the proper ACH knowledge to protect your institution from loss, while helping them understand the products and services you offer.

(Formerly ACH Risk for Cash Management Sales)


ACH Rules Enforcement Process

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Do you keep sending NOCs without getting any results? Are you fed up and want to do something about it? We all want to play nice in the network, but sometimes we have to get Nacha involved. This payments tip will define the criteria under which a rules enforcement proceeding may be initiated and how to file a report. The Nacha Arbitration Rules and Compensation requirements will also be discussed.


Balancing Risk & Reward for ODFIs - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

Did you know that the ODFI takes on all the warranties and responsibilities for each and every ACH Entry they transmit into the network? What does this mean? This workshop will navigate you through the ACH Network specifically helping you understand the risks of origination and what processes need to be implemented to help mitigate these risks. Understanding and managing these risks appropriately will help protect your financial institution from being subject to the Rules Enforcement process.

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Elder Abuse: Exploitation and Fraud Prevention - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB’s) Office for Older Americans present details of common fraud and scams that target older adults, discuss ways to recognize red flags of elder financial exploitation, and share free resources for consumers and financial institutions. Presenters explore how payment professionals are working with fraud networks and examine an elder fraud case study involving collaboration with payment professionals. Operations, Customer/Member Service, BSA/Compliance, and Fraud/Risk Management staff will benefit from this two-part informational webinar.

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Faster Payments Risk

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Although they move us forward when it comes to speed, Faster Payments can also mean faster fraud. As you determine your strategy, you must also address risk management aspects in your Risk Assessment. This session will discuss some of the various risks associated with Faster Payments.


Federal Government Payments

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

This session discusses the processing of Federal Government ACH payments. Understanding the fundamental differences of Federal Government Payments will impact a financial institution’s ACH operations and assist in preventing unnecessary losses. This session will cover important topics such as automated enrollment (ENR), paper and paperless enrollments, notifications of change (NOC), death notification entries (DNE), return items and most importantly, reclamations.



FPP Certification - Module 2

Validate Your Faster Payments Expertise

Faster payments are here to stay, and with Same Day ACH, RTP®—plus whatever comes next—it’s more important than ever to be prepared.

The Faster Payments Professional (FPP) certificate is a first-of-its-kind program providing professionals with holistic views of faster payments and getting them acquainted with current offerings. Earning this certificate demonstrates your proficiency in the faster payments field. The certificate program will be offered in three (3) separate modules.  Each module will include a series of pre-recorded webinars that allows for self-paced study.  Once each module is complete, there is a short quiz. Once all modules and quizzes are complete, one final certification exam will be offered. 

Each module will be sold separately.

Module 2: Faster Payments Functionality (Release Date: December 2023)

  • Authentications
  • Authorizations and Agreements
  • Operational Functions
  • Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements


FPP Certification - Module 1

Validate Your Faster Payments Expertise

Faster payments are here to stay, and with Same Day ACH, RTP®—plus whatever comes next—it’s more important than ever to be prepared.

The Faster Payments Professional (FPP) certificate is a first-of-its-kind program providing professionals with holistic views of faster payments and getting them acquainted with current offerings. Earning this certificate demonstrates your proficiency in the faster payments field. The certificate program will be offered in three (3) separate modules.  Each module will include a series of pre-recorded webinars that allows for self-paced study.  Once each module is complete, there is a short quiz. Once all modules and quizzes are complete, one final certification exam will be offered. 

Each module will be sold separately.

Module 1: Faster Payments Fundamentals (Release Date: April 3, 2023)

  • Terminology
  • Platforms and Platform Basics
  • Defining Participants and Participant Roles
  • Technology
  • Basic Rules and Regulations


FPP Certification - Module 3

Validate Your Faster Payments Expertise

Faster payments are here to stay, and with Same Day ACH, RTP®—plus whatever comes next—it’s more important than ever to be prepared.

The Faster Payments Professional (FPP) certificate is a first-of-its-kind program providing professionals with holistic views of faster payments and getting them acquainted with current offerings. Earning this certificate demonstrates your proficiency in the faster payments field. The certificate program will be offered in three (3) separate modules.  Each module will include a series of pre-recorded webinars that allows for self-paced study.  Once each module is complete, there is a short quiz. Once all modules and quizzes are complete, one final certification exam will be offered. 

Each module will be sold separately.

Module 3: Operations, Fraud, Risk, Legal & Regulatory Considerations

  • Operations Management Concepts
    • Liquidity Management
    • Reconciliation & Reporting
    • Notifications, Disclosures & Transparency
    • Customer Support
  • Risk Management
    • Types of Risk
    • Risk Mitigation
  • Fraud Management
  • Legal & Regulatory Compliance Considerations
    • Reg E
    • Reg J
    • Private Sector Rules
    • State and Federal Laws
    • Operating Circular 8 


Introduction to ACH

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

This webcast focuses on the essentials of ACH, including a brief history of the Network and defining the parties of ACH transactions.  We will also discuss the transaction flow and settlement process. In addition, we will cover many aspects of exception item processing, including stop payments vs. authorization revoked and unauthorized debits. This is a basic overview of ACH and is intended for individuals new to ACH operations, front line staff and individuals wanting to learn more about ACH.


Micro-Entries Nacha Rule Change-Phase 2 & ACH Risk Management Framework

On-Demand – 2 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 2.4

In light of Phase Two of the Micro-Entry Rule and the ACH Risk Management Framework on credit-push transactions, financial institutions have been placed for many years as the “police” for suspicious and fraudulent transactions and requirements to monitor, identify, be alerted, and mitigate the risks associated with originated and received transactions is becoming more and more difficult. Operating in a manual manner is simply impossible! This session will leave you with a different mindset on managing operational, fraud, liquidity, liability, and systemic risks and how you can tell if an appealingly “normal” transaction may, in fact, be abnormal.

Nanci McKenzie, Juris Masters Financial Regulation & Compliance, AAP, APRP
Executive Vice President, Compliance & Product Strategy
Affirmative Technologies

Nanci holds a Juris Master’s degree in Financial Regulation and Compliance from Florida State University College of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Information Management from Seminole State College, Sanford, FL. She became an Accredited ACH Professional (AAP) in 2004 and became an Accredited Payments Risk Professional (APRP) in 2018. Nanci is currently pursuing a Master of Legal Studies (MLS) at Drexel University.

2.4 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


P2P Applications

On-Demand - AAP Credits .60

Person-to-Person (P2P) payments, that allow a person to transfer funds from their account to another individuals account via a mobile device, are quickly gaining acceptance and use. Payment options from FinTech providers like PayPal, Venmo, Facebook Messenger, Snap Cash and Apple Pay Cash are meeting your accountholder’s payments needs and taking away deposits from your financial institution. In response, Early Warning has developed Zelle; a P2P option that can integrate with your on-line banking application. This session will provide an overview of the most common P2P applications, allowing you to better understand the potential impacts to your organization.


Payments Fraud

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Financial thieves are business people, just like us. Their job is to learn the cracks in our systems. Our job is to fill those cracks. Gain the tools needed to develop effective anti-fraud policies and procedures, mitigate risk and protect your financial institution. Learn the latest scams affecting the payments industry and sound practices to protect your organization against schemes such as phishing, spoofing, identity theft and other types of fraud.


Payments Update and 2024 Rule Book Tabbing

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

Changes are coming. It's inevitable. With all of the payments advancements that took place last year, like the launch of FedNow, the accelerated growth of ACH transactions, and more, we witnessed the changes, and it only follows that more are to come as the industry determines how to best leverage what's new and capitalize on opportunities to support organizational and customer needs. 

Making sure you and your organization understand these changes and developments and how they impact operations, risk mitigation, compliance, and more, is paramount to continued success. That's why SFE offers a deep dive into "all things new in payments" with our Payments Update & 2024 Rule Book Tabbing (formerly "What’s New in Payments") On-Demand Training.

A “basic” level of ACH knowledge is required.

Who Will Benefit:

  • ACH Operations Staff
  • ACH Managers
  • Audit/Compliance Personnel
  • Cash Management Sales & Relationship Officers
  • Compliance/Risk Officers
  • Customer/Member Services Personnel
  • Electronic Payments Professionals
  • AAPs & APRPs


3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits

Pricing Per Person/Access



Putting On Your ODFI Hat - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

What are the responsibilities for an ODFI? What are the duties of Originators? Are both in compliance with the Rules? Join us for a thorough review of ODFI compliance and receive a better understanding of what it means to be an ODFI.

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


RDFI Roles & Responsibilities/Exception Processing - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

RDFIs find common pain points – areas of the Rules that can cause misunderstandings or problems with ACH processing or compliance. Many financial institutions have tried to focus on a number of issues identified during compliance audits only to become more confused when trying to interpret the Rules. Join us as we explore the process of handling different areas of pain points for Receiving Depository Financial Institutions such as exception item processing, consumer/ customer/member disputes, government payment issues, etc. If you need answers, this is the workshop for you!


3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Real-time Payments Operations & Implementation

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Real-Time Payments (RTP) is the first completely new payment channel in nearly 40 years. Created by the Clearing House and available 24/7, it promises to provide new opportunities to every participating financial institution. But understanding how the network works, and how it fits within your faster payments strategy is vital before you take the necessary steps to participate. This session introduces attendees to the fundamentals of RTP so your financial institution can make the right decision about your participation and the next-steps to implementation.


Real-time Payments Rules & Compliance

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

As a brand-new payments channel, Real-Time Payments (RTP), created by The Clearing House, will soon be available to every financial institution in the U.S. As with all other payment systems, participation means you must agree to comply with a new set of network rules. This session will give you a basic overview of some of the key rules for this new network to assist you in your discussion as you develop you faster payments strategy.


Regulation E (2 Part Series)

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2 Each Session

Welcome to Regulation E! This webinar series will highlight the rules and regulations that govern the electronic payments. These regulations provide the legal framework for all financial institutions, and provide protection for consumers from erroneous entries as well as establishing specific requirements for the financial industry. Join us for this two-part series of regulatory instruction and walk away with the knowledge you need to ensure you're in compliance.


Regulation E Disputes for Debit Cards

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

The error resolution process for debit card transactions has very specific timeframes and requirements for communicating information to consumers throughout the investigative process. Card issuers must ensure that they are correctly interpreting Regulation E and are in compliance with all of the requirements for processing error disputes resulting from debit card transactions. This session is intended for those that work directly with cards or work in an audit or compliance role.


Regulation E vs. ACH Friends or Foes?

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Sure, they’re both electronic transactions, but did you know there are differences in the handling of ACH Entries as opposed to other types of debits? Some EFTs may be considered “Errors” under Regulation E, while certain ACH Entries may be handled with a Written Statement. 


Returns, Recalls, Reversals & Rejects

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

ACH Exception Item Processing can be confusing and it is important to understand the various processes and surrounding ACH Rules. Non-compliance with the rules may lead to rules violations and customer dissatisfaction. This session will cover issues such as Reclamations, Return items and NOCs. We will share tips and ideas other members have used to limit their liability and make their Operations more successful.


So You Think you Want to be an APRP?


Are you thinking about becoming an Accredited Payments Risk Professional? Accreditation gives you valuable knowledge needed in today’s ACH environment. Sign up for this free webinar to learn how to successfully prepare for the APRP exam and how to maintain your accreditation once you’ve passed! A synopsis of SFE’s upcoming Study Program will also be provided.

Price: $0.00    

So You Think you Want to be an AAP?


Are you thinking about becoming an Accredited ACH Professional? Accreditation gives you valuable knowledge needed in today’s ACH environment. Sign up for this free webinar to learn how to successfully prepare for the AAP exam and how to maintain your accreditation once you’ve passed! A synopsis of SFE’s upcoming Summer Study Program will also be provided.

Price: $0.00    

Stop Payments vs. Authorization Revoked & Unauthorized

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

There is always confusion as to when we use a stop payment or authorization revoked. Are you aware of the rules related to authorization revoked? This webcast will go into detail around the differences between stop payments and revoked authorizations, and when they are to be used. We will also take a look at unauthorized returns, when to use them, what the rules say, and how they differ between consumers and our corporate customers.


Tax Return Exception Processing

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

With so many tax returns posting to consumer accounts in the next few months, you can expect an increase in exception items. Several factors need to be considered before posting a transaction that has been rejected. The safest course of action is to return the item. However, this is not necessarily the level of service many consumers have come to expect. This webcast will cover the essential issues you need to know, including the RDFIs rights and responsibilities for these exceptions.


Unclaimed Property - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

Part I  – An Introduction in Unclaimed Property Basics

  • What is unclaimed property?
  • How it all started!
  • Unclaimed property terms
  • What do banks and credit unions need to know?
  • Unclaimed Property Reporting Requirements                               
  • Best Practices
  • How to keep in touch with customers and members

Part II - A Deeper Dive

  • What you need to know about Unclaimed Property Audits
  • Creating Policy and Procedures
  • Overview on Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Best ways to reduce unclaimed property liability
  • Updates on laws and regulations affecting unclaimed property


Michael Ryan, Director of Business Development
Linking Assets, Inc.

James Santivanez, President
JMS Advisory Group

About the Speakers:

Mike Ryan is MACHA’s unclaimed property liaison. Mike is also Director of Business Development at Linking Assets, Inc. Linking Assets is the leading owner location services company, helping banks and credit union locate, reengage, and reunite dormant/lost customer and members with their assets to reduce escheatment.

James Santivanez is the President of JMS Advisory Group. JMS is a firm dedicated to escheat process development and improvement.  It is their mission to help their clients mitigate risk and capitalize on opportunities resulting from accurate and properly manage unclaimed property compliance.

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Card Training - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

Join us for an informative Card Training Session in relation to Debit Card Fraud, Disputes/Chargebacks and application of Regulation E.

Diana is a veteran financial services trainer and is well respected for her vast knowledge of the card payment industry, ACH Network and EFT Compliance. Audiences welcome her insights on payment trends and emerging payments. Diana’s enthusiasm and passion for all things payments results in a high energy presentation.


Diana Kern
Senior Trainer, Shazam

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Payments Summit

On-Demand – 1 1/2 Days - AAP/APRP Credits 8.4

SFE would like to take you on a journey to the top of the Payments Summit. The Payments Summit is held over a day and a half, designed to guide you through concentrated and comprehensive payment topics. The Payments Summit sessions are designed to prepare you for the myriad of changes that will directly impact you and your organization. Bring back to your institution a higher understanding of Faster Payments, fraud, real-life solutions to issues impacting your profitability and prepare for the future!

Payments Summit Agenda:

Day 1

1:00 - 1:15 pm Welcome Pam Rodriguez, President & CEO, Southern Financial Exchange
1:15 - 2:15 pm AI & Payments

As we veneture into this brave new world, we must ask ourselves: Is AI a harbinger of doom for the traditional financial landscape, or is it a powerful tool that promises unprecedented productivity gains? In this session, we will review:

  1. AI in payments
  2. The fear of the unknown
  3. The promise of productivity
  4. Striking the right balance
  5. Incorporating the "human touch"

Kevin Miyamoto, Co-Founder & COO, Identifee
Angela Murphy, Ph.D., VP of Business Development, Photon Commerce
Reed Luhtanen, Executive Director, U.S. Faster Payments Council

2:15 - 2:30 pm Break


2:30 - 3:30 pm

A FedNow Update "It's Live"

An update on FedNow and an easy roadmap on how to participate.

Steven Jung, Vice President-Regional Sales Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago



Day 2

8:30 - 9:30 am

Winning with Real-Time Payments: Technology and Strategy

Real-time payments have emerged as a game-changer in the financial industry, transforming how businesses and consumers conduct transactions. This conference session aims to delve into the dynamic world of real-time payments, exploring their impact, challenges, and opportunities. Participants will gain valuable insights into the latest trends, technologies, and strategies driving the real-time payments revolution. Join us as we uncover the potential of real-time payments and discuss their implications for businesses, banking institutions, and the broader economy.

Bradley Wilkes, CEO, Open Payment Network
9:30 - 9:45 am


9:45 - 10:45 am

Digital Enablement: A Payments Imperative

Ease of use and convenience more than ever are the driving force behind consumers’ choices across a growing variety of available payment options. Enabling fast, automated, digital, and mobile capabilities are imperative to maintain and grow your organization’s payment rails as the most convenient and most selected way to pay and get paid. This session will cover payment trends and developments that are here to stay after the pandemic; ways to unlock digital and mobile enablement within your organization; and a framework for considering newer payment options.

Jacque Sinatra, VP, Visa
10:45 - 11:00 am


11:00 - 12:00 pm

Fintech: Friend or Foe?

Fintechs are known for their innovative ways of approaching the market and making banking more accessible to End Users, but underneath their innovation requires an agile banking partner’s support. In this session, Michael Fennell, VP, Business Development Officer, and David Staten, Client Development Associate from Evolve Bank & Trust’s Open Banking division, will discuss how Fintech relationships can be both beneficial to traditional banks (“Friends”) or become a “Foe” if unprepared.

Michael Fennell, VP, Business Development Officer, Evolve Bank & Trust

David Staten, Client Development Associate, Evolve Bank & Trust

12:00 - 1:00 pm


1:00 - 2:00 pm

Crypto's Not Dead (It May Not Even Be Sick)

With coin prices down from their previous peaks and regulators portraying it as a financial pariah, it might be easy to file crypto in your Things to Worry About Later folder. But don’t be fooled: Banks and credit unions that ignore digital currency do so at their own peril. This session will cover recent developments in the crypto industry, including resilient prices, blockchain’s acceptance as a behind-the-scenes medium for cross-border payments, and the brewing battle over regulation of digital assets.

Kevin Moland, AAP, Product Strategist, Sr. Advisory|Payments Strategy, Jack Henry
2:00 - 2:15 pm


2:15 - 3:15 pm

Spoiled for Choice: How Consumers Pay

We all talk about Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, Square and the rise of fintech use by consumers, but what do we really know about consumer choice for payments? Is cash still relevant? Has electronic bill pay replaced paper checks? Learn with data from the 2022 Survey and Diary of Consumer Payment Choice.

Claire Greene, Payments Risk Expert, Retail Payments Risk Forum, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
3:15 - 3:30 pm

Closing Remarks

SFE Staff

What others are saying:

Information was very helpful in clarifying issues that I’ve heard about but never actually had to deal with in my position." “There was much information that I could take back and use at our institution. Very helpful in every aspect of the ACH world.” “Really enjoyed the stories that gave real-life examples, very practical.”

Registration Fees:

Payments Summit:
Members: $300 per Person/Access 
Others: $600 per Person/Access

8.4 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Regulation E and Instant Disputes

On-Demand – 1 Hour - AAP/APRP Credits 1.2

When it comes to regulation E and faster payments like FedNow® Instant Payments and RTP® Payments from the Clearing House the question comes up a lot. Does Regulation E apply to RTP® and FedNow®, and if so when and how? The short answer is yes, but the answer to how is what we will cover in this course. From reviewing the FedNow Service Operating Procedures, the RTP Operating rules and the CFPB FAQ on instant payments, the Payments PRofessor walks you through the basics of Regulation E and how they are applied to FedNow, RTP, and even Zelle. 


Kevin Olsen
The Payments Professor

AAP/APRP Credits 1.2

Registration Fees:

Members: $229 per Person/Access
Others: $458 per Person/Access


What Frontline Needs to Know - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

Consistent training in electronic payments is critical to the success of any organization. Your Customer/Member Service Staff is often the first point of contact for account holder questions and inquiries. Can your service staff explain ACH to your customers / members? Is your staff comfortable enough with their knowledge level to sell the safety, efficiency, convenience and cost savings associated with electronic payments? It is important to thoroughly understand the functionality of the ACH Network in order to provide excellent service to account holders, especially when problems arise. This session provides an overview of ACH from a customer/ member service point of view, including defining the participants and explaining the transaction flow. An overview of ACH applications and corresponding rules and regulations will be presented to ensure a clear understanding of ACH problem resolution.


3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits



Card On-Demand

Introduction to Cards

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

Credit cards are no longer just about "credit." Debit, pre-paid, payroll and other cards continue to evolve. Multiple regulatory changes are affecting the ever-changing world of plastic. Understanding card processing has become more essential. Join us for this informative webcast as we discuss the fundamentals of card processing. This is a basic overview of Cards and is intended for individuals new to card operations, front line staff and individuals wanting to learn more about cards.


Regulation E Disputes for Debit Cards

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

The error resolution process for debit card transactions has very specific timeframes and requirements for communicating information to consumers throughout the investigative process. Card issuers must ensure that they are correctly interpreting Regulation E and are in compliance with all of the requirements for processing error disputes resulting from debit card transactions. This session is intended for those that work directly with cards or work in an audit or compliance role.


Card Training - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

Join us for an informative Card Training Session in relation to Debit Card Fraud, Disputes/Chargebacks and application of Regulation E.

Diana is a veteran financial services trainer and is well respected for her vast knowledge of the card payment industry, ACH Network and EFT Compliance. Audiences welcome her insights on payment trends and emerging payments. Diana’s enthusiasm and passion for all things payments results in a high energy presentation.


Diana Kern
Senior Trainer, Shazam

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits



Check On-Demand

So You Think You Want To Become An NCP?


Have you thought about becoming a National Check Professional? By attending this session you will understand the value in becoming an NCP. We will show you what the exam consists of and what you need to do to prepare for the upcoming exam. It is not too early to start preparing for the exam which will be given later this spring. Attend this session and kick-start your preparation!

Price: $0.00    

Check Image Warranties & Exception Processing (2 Part Series)

On-Demand - NCP Credits 3.6

If you work with check image exchange and need a deeper understanding, this course is intended for you. An overview of the Financial Institution’s warranties and responsibilities including returns and adjustments/exception processing will be addressed. If you have a basic background in checks and image exchange, this course will build on that knowledge and take you to the next level. 


Check Returns & Adjustments (2 Part Series)

On-Demand - NCP Credits 1.2 Each Session

Understanding which rules or agreements apply is an important consideration in knowing what is required to resolve a check return or adjustment entry. Some of the questions you must be able to answer are, Will this be a Return or an Adjustment?, What time frames apply?, Will the item be handled via a private exchange or through the Federal Reserve?, and Are my rights based on Regulation CC, ECCHO rules or Federal Reserve rules? Join us for this informative webcast and find out.


Consumer and Mobile RDC Risk

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

Consumer and Mobile Remote Deposit Capture is the fastest growing trend in a rapidly changing industry. If you offer this product now or plan to offer it in the near future, attend this important webcast and learn about the potential risks and how to mitigate them.


Introduction to Checks

On-Demand - NCP Credits 1.2

Join us for this informative webcast as we discuss the basics of topics like Mobile Remote Deposit Capture and Remotely Created Checks. Now more than ever, it is important to understand how a paper item becomes an image and an image becomes an Image Replacement Document. This is a basic overview of checks and is intended for individuals new to check operations, front line staff and individuals wanting to learn more about checks.


Remote Deposit Capture 2 Part Series


Remote Deposit Capture can take many forms: Branch/ATM, business/merchant or consumer/mobile. Whatever the flavor, FFIEC guidance requires you to develop a RDC Risk Management Review. These sessions go over the steps to develop an assessment: planning, risk identification, controls, measurement and monitoring. Next, we'll look at critical issues: vendor due diligence, client suitability, training and security. These 3-part sessions will give you a better understanding of what regulators are looking for.


Understanding Remotely Created Checks

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

Remotely Created Checks are often viewed as the "ugly step sister" of the check world, but they still fill an important and vital role in payment processing. To limit your liability associated with these items, it is important to understand your rights and responsibilities both as a Paying Bank or the Bank of First Deposit. This webcast will discuss these items in detail and walk you through the transaction from authorization through the adjustment process.



General On-Demand

Tax Refunds: Exceptions, Posting & Liabilities

On-Demand – 1.5 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 1.8

During tax filing season, many questions arise related to the posting or return of tax refund payments. Tax scams tend to rise during tax season. We will provide updates on Rules and Regulations surrounding the handling of tax refund exceptions, RDFI warranties and liabilities and tax fraud update. If you need a better understanding of how to handle these payments and ways to combat the tax scams, this training is for you!

1.8 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Federal Government Payments

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

This session discusses the processing of Federal Government ACH payments. Understanding the fundamental differences of Federal Government Payments will impact a financial institution’s ACH operations and assist in preventing unnecessary losses. This session will cover important topics such as automated enrollment (ENR), paper and paperless enrollments, notifications of change (NOC), death notification entries (DNE), return items and most importantly, reclamations.



FPP Certification - Module 1

Validate Your Faster Payments Expertise

Faster payments are here to stay, and with Same Day ACH, RTP®—plus whatever comes next—it’s more important than ever to be prepared.

The Faster Payments Professional (FPP) certificate is a first-of-its-kind program providing professionals with holistic views of faster payments and getting them acquainted with current offerings. Earning this certificate demonstrates your proficiency in the faster payments field. The certificate program will be offered in three (3) separate modules.  Each module will include a series of pre-recorded webinars that allows for self-paced study.  Once each module is complete, there is a short quiz. Once all modules and quizzes are complete, one final certification exam will be offered. 

Each module will be sold separately.

Module 1: Faster Payments Fundamentals (Release Date: April 3, 2023)

  • Terminology
  • Platforms and Platform Basics
  • Defining Participants and Participant Roles
  • Technology
  • Basic Rules and Regulations


FPP Certification - Module 2

Validate Your Faster Payments Expertise

Faster payments are here to stay, and with Same Day ACH, RTP®—plus whatever comes next—it’s more important than ever to be prepared.

The Faster Payments Professional (FPP) certificate is a first-of-its-kind program providing professionals with holistic views of faster payments and getting them acquainted with current offerings. Earning this certificate demonstrates your proficiency in the faster payments field. The certificate program will be offered in three (3) separate modules.  Each module will include a series of pre-recorded webinars that allows for self-paced study.  Once each module is complete, there is a short quiz. Once all modules and quizzes are complete, one final certification exam will be offered. 

Each module will be sold separately.

Module 2: Faster Payments Functionality (Release Date: December 2023)

  • Authentications
  • Authorizations and Agreements
  • Operational Functions
  • Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements


FPP Certification - Module 3

Validate Your Faster Payments Expertise

Faster payments are here to stay, and with Same Day ACH, RTP®—plus whatever comes next—it’s more important than ever to be prepared.

The Faster Payments Professional (FPP) certificate is a first-of-its-kind program providing professionals with holistic views of faster payments and getting them acquainted with current offerings. Earning this certificate demonstrates your proficiency in the faster payments field. The certificate program will be offered in three (3) separate modules.  Each module will include a series of pre-recorded webinars that allows for self-paced study.  Once each module is complete, there is a short quiz. Once all modules and quizzes are complete, one final certification exam will be offered. 

Each module will be sold separately.

Module 3: Operations, Fraud, Risk, Legal & Regulatory Considerations

  • Operations Management Concepts
    • Liquidity Management
    • Reconciliation & Reporting
    • Notifications, Disclosures & Transparency
    • Customer Support
  • Risk Management
    • Types of Risk
    • Risk Mitigation
  • Fraud Management
  • Legal & Regulatory Compliance Considerations
    • Reg E
    • Reg J
    • Private Sector Rules
    • State and Federal Laws
    • Operating Circular 8 


OFAC Compliance

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

OFAC (The Office of Foreign Assets Control) administers and enforces economic sanctions programs primarily against countries and groups of individuals, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers. OFAC responsibilities for a financial institution vary depending on whether the transaction is considered domestic or international. This webcast will cover your responsibilities when handling international transactions and address possible liabilities when posting prohibited transactions.


P2P Applications

On-Demand - AAP Credits .60

Person-to-Person (P2P) payments, that allow a person to transfer funds from their account to another individuals account via a mobile device, are quickly gaining acceptance and use. Payment options from FinTech providers like PayPal, Venmo, Facebook Messenger, Snap Cash and Apple Pay Cash are meeting your accountholder’s payments needs and taking away deposits from your financial institution. In response, Early Warning has developed Zelle; a P2P option that can integrate with your on-line banking application. This session will provide an overview of the most common P2P applications, allowing you to better understand the potential impacts to your organization.


Payments Summit

On-Demand – 1 1/2 Days - AAP/APRP Credits 8.4

SFE would like to take you on a journey to the top of the Payments Summit. The Payments Summit is held over a day and a half, designed to guide you through concentrated and comprehensive payment topics. The Payments Summit sessions are designed to prepare you for the myriad of changes that will directly impact you and your organization. Bring back to your institution a higher understanding of Faster Payments, fraud, real-life solutions to issues impacting your profitability and prepare for the future!

Payments Summit Agenda:

Day 1

1:00 - 1:15 pm Welcome Pam Rodriguez, President & CEO, Southern Financial Exchange
1:15 - 2:15 pm AI & Payments

As we veneture into this brave new world, we must ask ourselves: Is AI a harbinger of doom for the traditional financial landscape, or is it a powerful tool that promises unprecedented productivity gains? In this session, we will review:

  1. AI in payments
  2. The fear of the unknown
  3. The promise of productivity
  4. Striking the right balance
  5. Incorporating the "human touch"

Kevin Miyamoto, Co-Founder & COO, Identifee
Angela Murphy, Ph.D., VP of Business Development, Photon Commerce
Reed Luhtanen, Executive Director, U.S. Faster Payments Council

2:15 - 2:30 pm Break


2:30 - 3:30 pm

A FedNow Update "It's Live"

An update on FedNow and an easy roadmap on how to participate.

Steven Jung, Vice President-Regional Sales Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago



Day 2

8:30 - 9:30 am

Winning with Real-Time Payments: Technology and Strategy

Real-time payments have emerged as a game-changer in the financial industry, transforming how businesses and consumers conduct transactions. This conference session aims to delve into the dynamic world of real-time payments, exploring their impact, challenges, and opportunities. Participants will gain valuable insights into the latest trends, technologies, and strategies driving the real-time payments revolution. Join us as we uncover the potential of real-time payments and discuss their implications for businesses, banking institutions, and the broader economy.

Bradley Wilkes, CEO, Open Payment Network
9:30 - 9:45 am


9:45 - 10:45 am

Digital Enablement: A Payments Imperative

Ease of use and convenience more than ever are the driving force behind consumers’ choices across a growing variety of available payment options. Enabling fast, automated, digital, and mobile capabilities are imperative to maintain and grow your organization’s payment rails as the most convenient and most selected way to pay and get paid. This session will cover payment trends and developments that are here to stay after the pandemic; ways to unlock digital and mobile enablement within your organization; and a framework for considering newer payment options.

Jacque Sinatra, VP, Visa
10:45 - 11:00 am


11:00 - 12:00 pm

Fintech: Friend or Foe?

Fintechs are known for their innovative ways of approaching the market and making banking more accessible to End Users, but underneath their innovation requires an agile banking partner’s support. In this session, Michael Fennell, VP, Business Development Officer, and David Staten, Client Development Associate from Evolve Bank & Trust’s Open Banking division, will discuss how Fintech relationships can be both beneficial to traditional banks (“Friends”) or become a “Foe” if unprepared.

Michael Fennell, VP, Business Development Officer, Evolve Bank & Trust

David Staten, Client Development Associate, Evolve Bank & Trust

12:00 - 1:00 pm


1:00 - 2:00 pm

Crypto's Not Dead (It May Not Even Be Sick)

With coin prices down from their previous peaks and regulators portraying it as a financial pariah, it might be easy to file crypto in your Things to Worry About Later folder. But don’t be fooled: Banks and credit unions that ignore digital currency do so at their own peril. This session will cover recent developments in the crypto industry, including resilient prices, blockchain’s acceptance as a behind-the-scenes medium for cross-border payments, and the brewing battle over regulation of digital assets.

Kevin Moland, AAP, Product Strategist, Sr. Advisory|Payments Strategy, Jack Henry
2:00 - 2:15 pm


2:15 - 3:15 pm

Spoiled for Choice: How Consumers Pay

We all talk about Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, Square and the rise of fintech use by consumers, but what do we really know about consumer choice for payments? Is cash still relevant? Has electronic bill pay replaced paper checks? Learn with data from the 2022 Survey and Diary of Consumer Payment Choice.

Claire Greene, Payments Risk Expert, Retail Payments Risk Forum, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
3:15 - 3:30 pm

Closing Remarks

SFE Staff

What others are saying:

Information was very helpful in clarifying issues that I’ve heard about but never actually had to deal with in my position." “There was much information that I could take back and use at our institution. Very helpful in every aspect of the ACH world.” “Really enjoyed the stories that gave real-life examples, very practical.”

Registration Fees:

Payments Summit:
Members: $300 per Person/Access 
Others: $600 per Person/Access

8.4 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits



Risk/Fraud On-Demand

ACH Policies & Procedures (2 Part Series)

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2 Each Session

This two-part webinar will show how to develop your own policies and procedures documents. With rapidly evolving financial regulations, keeping current with ACH-related requirements can be a challenge. Regulators at both state and federal levels require board-approved policies to define the scope, strategy, and risk tolerance of an organization’s ACH service. Good procedures can reduce your exposure to operating risk.


ACH Risk for ODFIs

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Being an ODFI can be risky if you do not have the right tools. Financial institutions of all sizes need to manage risk to minimize potential losses. Rapid growth, new and evolving products and consumer transfer applications are prevalent ACH trends representing increased risk for ODFIs. The ACH Rules require every financial institution to perform an ACH Risk Assessment. This webcast will cover risks associated with being an ODFI, as well as steps to mitigate these risks.


ACH Risk for RDFIs

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

RDFIs of all sizes need to be aware of their ACH risk factors. The ACH Rules require every financial institution to perform a Risk Assessment related to their activities within the ACH Network. Proper processing of return items, timely posting of ACH transactions and the exceptions related to Federal Government transactions are just a few of the risks faced by RDFIs. This webcast will cover risks associated with processing transactions from the RDFI side as well as how to mitigate these risks.


ACH Risk for Treasury Sales

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Does your cash or product management personnel know all they need to know about the ACH services they are selling? Are they aware of upcoming rules changes affecting your corporate Originators? Do they know how to keep your customers informed of the rules affecting you as an ODFI? Attend this informative webcast and arm your cash and product management staff with the proper ACH knowledge to protect your institution from loss, while helping them understand the products and services you offer.

(Formerly ACH Risk for Cash Management Sales)


Balancing Risk & Reward for ODFIs - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

Did you know that the ODFI takes on all the warranties and responsibilities for each and every ACH Entry they transmit into the network? What does this mean? This workshop will navigate you through the ACH Network specifically helping you understand the risks of origination and what processes need to be implemented to help mitigate these risks. Understanding and managing these risks appropriately will help protect your financial institution from being subject to the Rules Enforcement process.

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Consumer and Mobile RDC Risk

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

Consumer and Mobile Remote Deposit Capture is the fastest growing trend in a rapidly changing industry. If you offer this product now or plan to offer it in the near future, attend this important webcast and learn about the potential risks and how to mitigate them.


Consumer Transfer Risk

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

Many financial institutions offer consumer transfers, allowing a consumer to transfer funds from their financial institution to credit or debit their account at another financial institution. This can be a very valuable consumer service. However, there are several risks associated with these transfers that must be properly addressed to prevent possible loss or fraud. If you are currently offering this service or are considering it in the future, you will want to attend this important webcast.


Elder Abuse: Exploitation and Fraud Prevention - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB’s) Office for Older Americans present details of common fraud and scams that target older adults, discuss ways to recognize red flags of elder financial exploitation, and share free resources for consumers and financial institutions. Presenters explore how payment professionals are working with fraud networks and examine an elder fraud case study involving collaboration with payment professionals. Operations, Customer/Member Service, BSA/Compliance, and Fraud/Risk Management staff will benefit from this two-part informational webinar.

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Faster Payments Risk

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Although they move us forward when it comes to speed, Faster Payments can also mean faster fraud. As you determine your strategy, you must also address risk management aspects in your Risk Assessment. This session will discuss some of the various risks associated with Faster Payments.


FFIEC Guidance & Account Takeover

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

Corporate Account Takeover is nothing new, but the threats are increasing and financial institutions are being further tasked by regulators to protect their clients from these ongoing dangers. Learn how to protect your corporate and consumer clients, as well as ensure compliance with FFIEC Guidance. The FFIEC issued Guidance on Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment, as well as a supplement to this guidance which identifies increased risk and requires financial institutions to review its tools for online authentication and authorization. We will also discuss corporate account takeover and best practices you can implement to help prevent this from occurring.


Micro-Entries Nacha Rule Change-Phase 2 & ACH Risk Management Framework

On-Demand – 2 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 2.4

In light of Phase Two of the Micro-Entry Rule and the ACH Risk Management Framework on credit-push transactions, financial institutions have been placed for many years as the “police” for suspicious and fraudulent transactions and requirements to monitor, identify, be alerted, and mitigate the risks associated with originated and received transactions is becoming more and more difficult. Operating in a manual manner is simply impossible! This session will leave you with a different mindset on managing operational, fraud, liquidity, liability, and systemic risks and how you can tell if an appealingly “normal” transaction may, in fact, be abnormal.

Nanci McKenzie, Juris Masters Financial Regulation & Compliance, AAP, APRP
Executive Vice President, Compliance & Product Strategy
Affirmative Technologies

Nanci holds a Juris Master’s degree in Financial Regulation and Compliance from Florida State University College of Law and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Information Management from Seminole State College, Sanford, FL. She became an Accredited ACH Professional (AAP) in 2004 and became an Accredited Payments Risk Professional (APRP) in 2018. Nanci is currently pursuing a Master of Legal Studies (MLS) at Drexel University.

2.4 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Payments Fraud

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.2

Financial thieves are business people, just like us. Their job is to learn the cracks in our systems. Our job is to fill those cracks. Gain the tools needed to develop effective anti-fraud policies and procedures, mitigate risk and protect your financial institution. Learn the latest scams affecting the payments industry and sound practices to protect your organization against schemes such as phishing, spoofing, identity theft and other types of fraud.


So You Think you Want to be an APRP?


Are you thinking about becoming an Accredited Payments Risk Professional? Accreditation gives you valuable knowledge needed in today’s ACH environment. Sign up for this free webinar to learn how to successfully prepare for the APRP exam and how to maintain your accreditation once you’ve passed! A synopsis of SFE’s upcoming Study Program will also be provided.

Price: $0.00    

Unclaimed Property - Two-Part On-Demand Sessions

On-Demand – 3 hours - AAP/APRP Credits 3.6

Part I  – An Introduction in Unclaimed Property Basics

  • What is unclaimed property?
  • How it all started!
  • Unclaimed property terms
  • What do banks and credit unions need to know?
  • Unclaimed Property Reporting Requirements                               
  • Best Practices
  • How to keep in touch with customers and members

Part II - A Deeper Dive

  • What you need to know about Unclaimed Property Audits
  • Creating Policy and Procedures
  • Overview on Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Best ways to reduce unclaimed property liability
  • Updates on laws and regulations affecting unclaimed property


Michael Ryan, Director of Business Development
Linking Assets, Inc.

James Santivanez, President
JMS Advisory Group

About the Speakers:

Mike Ryan is MACHA’s unclaimed property liaison. Mike is also Director of Business Development at Linking Assets, Inc. Linking Assets is the leading owner location services company, helping banks and credit union locate, reengage, and reunite dormant/lost customer and members with their assets to reduce escheatment.

James Santivanez is the President of JMS Advisory Group. JMS is a firm dedicated to escheat process development and improvement.  It is their mission to help their clients mitigate risk and capitalize on opportunities resulting from accurate and properly manage unclaimed property compliance.

3.6 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Payments Summit

On-Demand – 1 1/2 Days - AAP/APRP Credits 8.4

SFE would like to take you on a journey to the top of the Payments Summit. The Payments Summit is held over a day and a half, designed to guide you through concentrated and comprehensive payment topics. The Payments Summit sessions are designed to prepare you for the myriad of changes that will directly impact you and your organization. Bring back to your institution a higher understanding of Faster Payments, fraud, real-life solutions to issues impacting your profitability and prepare for the future!

Payments Summit Agenda:

Day 1

1:00 - 1:15 pm Welcome Pam Rodriguez, President & CEO, Southern Financial Exchange
1:15 - 2:15 pm AI & Payments

As we veneture into this brave new world, we must ask ourselves: Is AI a harbinger of doom for the traditional financial landscape, or is it a powerful tool that promises unprecedented productivity gains? In this session, we will review:

  1. AI in payments
  2. The fear of the unknown
  3. The promise of productivity
  4. Striking the right balance
  5. Incorporating the "human touch"

Kevin Miyamoto, Co-Founder & COO, Identifee
Angela Murphy, Ph.D., VP of Business Development, Photon Commerce
Reed Luhtanen, Executive Director, U.S. Faster Payments Council

2:15 - 2:30 pm Break


2:30 - 3:30 pm

A FedNow Update "It's Live"

An update on FedNow and an easy roadmap on how to participate.

Steven Jung, Vice President-Regional Sales Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago



Day 2

8:30 - 9:30 am

Winning with Real-Time Payments: Technology and Strategy

Real-time payments have emerged as a game-changer in the financial industry, transforming how businesses and consumers conduct transactions. This conference session aims to delve into the dynamic world of real-time payments, exploring their impact, challenges, and opportunities. Participants will gain valuable insights into the latest trends, technologies, and strategies driving the real-time payments revolution. Join us as we uncover the potential of real-time payments and discuss their implications for businesses, banking institutions, and the broader economy.

Bradley Wilkes, CEO, Open Payment Network
9:30 - 9:45 am


9:45 - 10:45 am

Digital Enablement: A Payments Imperative

Ease of use and convenience more than ever are the driving force behind consumers’ choices across a growing variety of available payment options. Enabling fast, automated, digital, and mobile capabilities are imperative to maintain and grow your organization’s payment rails as the most convenient and most selected way to pay and get paid. This session will cover payment trends and developments that are here to stay after the pandemic; ways to unlock digital and mobile enablement within your organization; and a framework for considering newer payment options.

Jacque Sinatra, VP, Visa
10:45 - 11:00 am


11:00 - 12:00 pm

Fintech: Friend or Foe?

Fintechs are known for their innovative ways of approaching the market and making banking more accessible to End Users, but underneath their innovation requires an agile banking partner’s support. In this session, Michael Fennell, VP, Business Development Officer, and David Staten, Client Development Associate from Evolve Bank & Trust’s Open Banking division, will discuss how Fintech relationships can be both beneficial to traditional banks (“Friends”) or become a “Foe” if unprepared.

Michael Fennell, VP, Business Development Officer, Evolve Bank & Trust

David Staten, Client Development Associate, Evolve Bank & Trust

12:00 - 1:00 pm


1:00 - 2:00 pm

Crypto's Not Dead (It May Not Even Be Sick)

With coin prices down from their previous peaks and regulators portraying it as a financial pariah, it might be easy to file crypto in your Things to Worry About Later folder. But don’t be fooled: Banks and credit unions that ignore digital currency do so at their own peril. This session will cover recent developments in the crypto industry, including resilient prices, blockchain’s acceptance as a behind-the-scenes medium for cross-border payments, and the brewing battle over regulation of digital assets.

Kevin Moland, AAP, Product Strategist, Sr. Advisory|Payments Strategy, Jack Henry
2:00 - 2:15 pm


2:15 - 3:15 pm

Spoiled for Choice: How Consumers Pay

We all talk about Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, Square and the rise of fintech use by consumers, but what do we really know about consumer choice for payments? Is cash still relevant? Has electronic bill pay replaced paper checks? Learn with data from the 2022 Survey and Diary of Consumer Payment Choice.

Claire Greene, Payments Risk Expert, Retail Payments Risk Forum, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
3:15 - 3:30 pm

Closing Remarks

SFE Staff

What others are saying:

Information was very helpful in clarifying issues that I’ve heard about but never actually had to deal with in my position." “There was much information that I could take back and use at our institution. Very helpful in every aspect of the ACH world.” “Really enjoyed the stories that gave real-life examples, very practical.”

Registration Fees:

Payments Summit:
Members: $300 per Person/Access 
Others: $600 per Person/Access

8.4 AAP/APRP Continuing Education Credits


Regulation E and Instant Disputes

On-Demand – 1 Hour - AAP/APRP Credits 1.2

When it comes to regulation E and faster payments like FedNow® Instant Payments and RTP® Payments from the Clearing House the question comes up a lot. Does Regulation E apply to RTP® and FedNow®, and if so when and how? The short answer is yes, but the answer to how is what we will cover in this course. From reviewing the FedNow Service Operating Procedures, the RTP Operating rules and the CFPB FAQ on instant payments, the Payments PRofessor walks you through the basics of Regulation E and how they are applied to FedNow, RTP, and even Zelle. 


Kevin Olsen
The Payments Professor

AAP/APRP Credits 1.2

Registration Fees:

Members: $229 per Person/Access
Others: $458 per Person/Access



Wire On-Demand

Introduction to Wires

On-Demand - AAP Credits 1.0

Wire transfers continue to be an integral payment option for corporations and consumers alike. This webcast examines the main wire systems used in the U.S. Fedwire, CHIPS, and SWIFT. Attendees will gain an understanding of how wire payments are processed, settled, the participants involved, and the rules and regulations governing wires. This is a basic overview of wires and is intended for individuals new to wire operations, front line staff and individuals wanting to learn more about wires.



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